Level 31: M1014 Shotgun Level 32: Bandolier Perk Class 1 Level 33: Killer Challenges 2 Level 28: AK-74U Submachine Gun Level 29: Double Tab Perk Class 2 Level 30: Killer Challenges Level 25: G3 Assault Rifle Level 26: Iron Lungs Perk Class 3 Level 27: Operations Challenges 3 Level 22: Dragunov Sniper Rifle Level 23: Claymore Perk Class 1 Level 24: Operations Challenges 2 Level 19: M60E4 Light Machine Gun Level 20: Sleight of Hand Perk Class 2 Level 21: Operations Challenges Level 16: M1911 Pistol Level 17: Martyrdom Perk Class 2 Level 18: Boot Camp Challenges 3 Level 13: Mini Uzi Submachine Gun Level 14: Bomb Squad Perk Class 1 Level 15: Boot Camp Challenges 2 Level 10: M4 Carbine Assault Rifle Level 11: UAV Jammer Perk Class 2 Level 12: Clan Tag Level 7: M40 Sniper Rifle Level 8: Last Stand Perk Class 3 Level 9: Boot Camp Challenges 1 Level 4: Create a Class Level 5: Gun Challenges Level 6: New playlists Level 1: All starting equipment Level 2: Demolitions Class Weapon Class Level 3: Sniper Class Weapon Class Reach the indicated rank in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding bonus: Golden Mini-Uzi: Successfully complete all SMG challenges. Golden M60: Successfully complete all LMG challenges. Golden M1014: Successfully complete all Shotgun challenges. Golden Dragonuv: Successfully complete all Sniper challenges. Golden Ak-47: Successfully complete all Assault Rifle challenges. Note: The golden version of the weapons does not boost any attributes and is just purely cosmetic. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding golden weapon camouflage. This is a multiplayer only mode that starts you back at level 1. Successfully complete Story mode on any difficulty setting to unlock the Mile High Club mission. Successfully complete Story mode on any difficulty setting and watch the entire credits to unlock the bonus Epilogue mission. Level 2: 2 Intel Pieces Level 4: 2 Intel Pieces Level 5: 3 Intel Pieces Level 6: 2 Intel Pieces Level 7: 2 Intel Pieces Level 9: 3 Intel Pieces Level 10: 2 Intel Pieces Level 12: 2 Intel Pieces Level 13: 3 Intel Pieces Level 14: 2 Intel Pieces Level 16: 2 Intel Pieces Level 17: 1 Intel Piece Level 18: 2 Intel Pieces Level 19: 2 Intel Pieces There are a total of thirty Intel Pieces. The Intel Pieces can be found in the following levels. Frag grenades are more powerful.Ī Bad Year: 15 Intel Pieces.
Silent Movie mode graphics are black and white, dust and scratches fill the screen, game plays at two times the speed, and the music becomes piano music.Ĭluster Bombs: 10 Intel Pieces. Set it to "30" to unlock all cheat options.Īlternately, collect the indicated number of Intel Pieces (enemy laptop computers) hidden throughout the game to unlock the corresponding cheat option:ĬOD Noir: 2 Intel Pieces. That value is the number of enemy Intel Pieces that have been found.

Change the value of the "seta cheat_points" line. Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "\players\profiles\\" directory in the game folder. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.

The cheat menu can be found at the options menu while playing the game. Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting to unlock the cheat menu and Arcade mode. Killhouse cargoship coup (intermission sequence) blackout bog_a hunted ac130 bog_b airlift aftermath (intermission sequence) village_assault scoutsniper village_defend ambush icbm launchfacility_b jeepride Use one of the following values with the " map or spdevmap " code: Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor and change the "seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed. Then while playing the game, press ~ to display the console window, and type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function. Then, press ~ to display the console window.